
Human-readable, unconstrained text inputs

Text attributes are the most common type of attribute, and usually represent unstructured or human-readable data. They have a max size of 10mb.

Examples of text attributes include the description, facebook or instagram attributes on company and person, or the workspace_id and user_id attributes on workspace/user. Please note that on person, the name attribute is a (Personal) name attribute, but on company it's a text attribute.

Text attributes are always single-select.

Reading values

Text attribute values have a single value property:

  "active_from": "2023-04-03T15:21:06.447000000Z",
  "active_until": null,
  "created_by_actor": {...},
  "attribute_type": "text",
  "value": "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."

Writing values

To write text attribute values, simply pass the string that you would like to set.

You may also pass an object with a single value property.

  "description": "Headquartered in New York City, Waystar Royco was founded by Logan Roy and operates in 50 countries across 4 continents"
  "description": [
      "value": "Headquartered in New York City, Waystar Royco was founded by Logan Roy and operates in 50 countries across 4 continents"


Text can be filtered by the operators $eq, $contains, $starts_with and $ends_with. The implicit syntax does an exact equality check:

  "filter": {
    "description": "An exact match"
  "filter": {
    "description": {
      "value": {
        "$starts_with": "Headquartered in New York City"
  "filter": {
    "description": {
      "value": {
        "$contains": "New York City"