
Calendar events and emails

Interactions are quite a generic concept, used to model when a given actor interacted with a record in a particular way. Presently, Attio has just two types of interaction:

  • Email interactions (first_email_interaction and last_email_interaction)
  • Calendar interactions (first_calendar_interaction, last_calendar_interaction and next_calendar_interaction)

These attributes are available on both the Company and Person objects, although they are enriched and not available on every billing plan. For more information about these attributes, please see our Enriched data help page.

Reading values

Interaction attribute values have an interaction_type property, which can be either "email" or "calendar-event", and an interacted_at timestamp property in ISO8601 format.

There is also an owner_actor property, which is an object relating the actor who created this interaction (this is different from the created_by attribute value property which could be e.g. a system actor).

  "active_from": "2023-11-25T15:21:06.447000000Z",
  "active_until": null,
  "created_by_actor": {
    "type": "system",
    "id": null
  "attribute_type": "interaction",
  "interaction_type": "email",
  "interacted_at": "2023-11-25T15:21:06.447000000Z",
  "owner_actor": {
    "type": "workspace-member",
    "id": "50cf242c-7fa3-4cad-87d0-75b1af71c57b" // Tom

Writing values

It is not currently possible to write Interaction values, they are only created by the Attio system.


There are three properties of interactions that can be used in filtering:

  • owner_member_id filters by the workspace member ID that is the owner_actor, this supports $eq and $not_empty operators
  • interacted_at (timestamp) supports $eq, $gte, $gt, $lte and $lt operators
  • interaction_type can also be filtered by $eq and $not_empty
  "filter": {
    "last_email_interaction": {
      "owner_member_id": {
        "$not_empty": true
  "filter": {
    "last_calendar_interaction": {
      "owner_member_id": "50cf242c-7fa3-4cad-87d0-75b1af71c57b",
      "interacted_at": {
        "$gte": "2023-11-01"
  "filter": {
    "first_email_interaction": {
      "interaction_type": "email"